Like to Submit?

Rules of Submission to Expressive Youth

  1. It must be well-written.  I can’t demand perfection, but please proofread for misspellings and obvious grammar errors.  No one will take us seriously if we can’t express ourselves properly 🙂  If you’d like, I can proofread.
  2. It must be thought-provoking.  “OMFG I H8 BUSH N ERRBODY N NUKES R BAD N PARENTS SUCK 2” sums up your opinion, but all it inspires is “UR RONG” and “NO U R N UR MOM IS FUGLY”, which isn’t quite the point of the site.
  3. If the piece is based in fact (i.e., a political/literary criticism), please create a cohesive argument with unbiased information and (hopefully) sources.  “I feel like Obama has disappointed us…” is fine, just give support for your argument (“…because he has not accomplished a successful healthcare reform like he promised”).  Anyone who respects the truth can’t argue with your support, right?
  4. It cannot be purposefully incendiary.  If you feel like being a shock jock, email Howard Stern and ask for a job.  This is not the place to intentionally upset anyone by being unnecessarily rude.  Obviously there will be dissension over certain topics, but like I said: polite dissension.
  5. ALL POSTS WILL BE ANONYMOUS. No exceptions.  I will clearly state whether a piece is my work or not, so that nothing is wrongly attributed.  However, I wish to protect everyone’s privacy so that no one’s chance at a job or school is ruined by some weirdo crazy blog post.  If you’d like to use a pseudonym, include it with your submission.  Also, if you would like to submit the piece as an essay for scholarships, etc. I have no problem with it.  It is, after all, your work.
  6. This is not a site about subverting authority.  Therefore, “10 Ways to Hide Your Adventurous Sex Life From Prying Parents as a Minor” is not acceptable.  Anything ‘how-to’ on any subversion or avoidance of legal or parental authority is not acceptable.  Legally, someone (probably the writer of said post and I as the creator of the site) could be held liable for such ‘information’ and I have enough to deal with as it is.  You can make your own badass rebel website.

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